I bit the bullet last thursday and started playing with some of the 2007.2 OpenMoko snapshot images, 2007.2 denoting the next iteration of the software. Whereas my previous photos were from 2007.1, the interface was a bit weak, and wasn't much to be proud of. The direction that the interface is
now heading in is not only sleek, but much more usable. One of the most important changes, in my opinion, is the addition of acceleration-incluenced scrolling throughout the interface. The new scrolling allows you to do a quick swipe with your finger and have the interface scroll quickly and then slow to a stop, as if your scroll had momentum behind it.
OpenMoko Boot screen
2007.1 | 2007.2 |
OpenMoko Desktop
2007.1 | 2007.2 |
OpenMoko Applications
2007.1 | 2007.2 |
OpenMoko Dialer
2007.1 | 2007.2 |
Overall things are progressing quite nicely, but as a developer I feel that I'm teetering between bricking my OpenMoko phone, and making beautiful music with it, either way, I'm along for the ride. The last picture I'll leave you with is one from when my friend
whurley and I met up this past week since he was in town representing
BMC at Linux World. whurley was one of the organizers of the first
iPhoneDevCamp and is a proud owner of an iPhone, regardless, he thought the OpenMoko phone was pretty cool :)
You can find all my OpenMoko photos on Flickr