What I end up talking about is completely open to discussion, so if there's anything you'd like me to talk about, feel free to leave me a comment or drop me a mail at tyler [at] slide [diggitydot] com.
While I am not one to discuss a lot about our "strategy" or "pixie dust" or however we've done what we've done, I do know how a lot of what we done works, and his Maxness permitting, i'll be able to impart some of the <fb:wisdom/> I've accumulated upon my fellow application developers. If interest warrants it, I might start to share some of my sicker (read: awesome) FBML hacks on this blog, but since I'm a big nobody in the world of blogs, it might be a waste of time, so we'll see.
Regardless, if you can make it this wednesday come on by and say "howdy"
I promise I probably don't bite.
+1, Ego-boost
Just in case you aren't familiar with Facebook's Platform, or what's exactly going on, I figured I'd cite why Slide, and in turn why I am (sort of) credible to talk on the subject.
Slide has done a good job (in my absurdly biased opinion) on the Facebook Platform with some of the top applications such as:
- Top Friends* - 11.9M
- My Questions - 6.3M
- SuperPoke! - 5.2M
- Fortune Cookie* - 4.7M
- FunWall - 3.4M
- Favorite Peeps! - 2.0M (Taken from the applications directory)
(* applications I've worked on)