One of the things I wanted to script was the notification of the build status of the numerous jobs that we're running in our Hudson instance here at Slide. Using the Universal Feed Parser and pynotify (listed under "notify-python"), I had a good little Gnome Hudson Notifier running in less than 10 minutes.

Source code after the jump.
import feedparser
import pynotify
import time
BASE_TITLE = 'Hudson Update!'
def success(job):
n = pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" successfully built :)' % job,
return n
def unstable(job):
return pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" is unstable :-/' % job,
def failure(job):
n = pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" failed!' % job,
return n
def main():
pynotify.init('Hudson Notify')
old_items = []
while True:
feed = feedparser.parse('http://hudson/rssLatest')
items = [t['title'] for t in feed['entries']]
new_items = list(set(old_items).difference(items))
for i in new_items:
i = i.split(' ')
job, build, status = (i[0], i[1], i[2])
status = status.replace('(', '').replace(')','')
if status == 'SUCCESS':
elif status == 'UNSTABLE':
elif status == 'FAILURE':
old_items = items
if __name__ == '__main__':
It's pretty basic right now, but does everything I really wanted it to do. I may add it into a public Git repository in the near future if I spend any more time on the project. Hope you like it :)