Just over a week ago I returned from a trip to Tokyo for the Jenkins User Conference 2012 - Tokyo. I attended the summer Developers Summit and a Jenkins hackathon while I was in Tokyo, but JUC 2012 was the main event.
I can’t say enough good things about the Japanese Jenkins community, they are as friendly (if not more so) as all of the other hackers, users and testers that I’ve met throughout the years working with the project. My only regret is that I had to take so much of Kohsuke’s time for translation or assistance due to the language barrier.
The talk that I gave at JUC Tokyo was titled “Rebuilding the airplane at 10,000m. Continuous Deployment with Jenkins and Gerrit”
I’ve uploaded my materials:
Unfortunately I don’t yet have the video to post, so for now you’ll have to take my word when I say the talk went well.
I look forward to traveling to Tokyo again next year to enjoy the heat, Soba and to try more of whatever delicious food Sotoru and Takashi try to feed me.