I have been using Feathers for a number of projects lately, including the backend and client for Jenkins Evergreen. It is obvious from the design and structure of Feathers that a significant amount of thought went into its development. Overall, I have been happy with the experience implementing clean APIs, and have added Feathers as my default toolchain for new web API and application development. Feathers has been great for building JSON-based RESTful APIs, but I stumbled over some hurdles when using it as a more traditional web application framework.

The simplest to fix, but most frustrating to stumble over, was utilizing Feathers Authentication when serving views via Feathers. By default, the authentication in Feathers utilizes a JSON Web Token for capturing the current authentication status of a request. When using the OAuth2 authentication mechanism, it is possible to tell Feathers to set a cookie with the JSON Web Token.

Then, when adding authorization in front of a Feathers service, it’s as simple as adding a hook:

  before: {
    all: [
  after: {
  error: {

Unfortunately even with that cookie set, a browser accessing the service, this results in “Not Authentication” errors.

After a bit of searching around I eventually discovered some references to what I thought might solve my problem on this page titled: FeathersJS Auth Recipe: Authenticating Express middleware (SSR).

By default, though the OAuth2 authentication module for Feathers will set a cookie, it doesn’t appear to do anything by default to read that same cookie. One must install and use the cookie-parser package.

$ npm install --save cookie-parser

Once the cookie-parser package has been installed, it’s important that it gets added as the first middleware in the application.

const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
 * Add the cookie parser to GET routes
app.get('*', cookieParser());
 * Add the cookie parser to POST routes
app.post('*', cookieParser());

With this package installed and configured, the JWT cookie will be parsed properly when for requests coming in to the application. This ensures that the authentication.hooks.authenticate(['jwt']) hook has the appropriate material it needs to perform the authentication.