I was fortunate enough to give a talk in the “Configuration and Systems Management dev room” this year at FOSDEM.
After some initial frustrations with LibreOffice Impress, I decided to take a slightly unorthodox route in creating my presentation slides. Unfortunately this route means that I do not have any accompanying notes to offer you alongside the slide deck.

Image courtesy of Nigel Kersten
If a video becomes available, i’ll make sure to post that, but as it stands now, I’m not 100% sure what I said!
Slides (PDF) (rotate the slides in your PDF viewer)
Here’s a photo of one of my originals, which I had to bring with me just in case. That’s real printer paper with real felt-tip pen, yeah.

Image courtesy of Nigel Kersten
Giving the talk was a blast, the whole event was fantastic, I can’t recommend it enough. I look forward to coming back to Brussels next year for FOSDEM, and I hope to see you there!