- It's no secret where GitOps falls down
- Drop-in upgrade to a containerized Jenkins master
- Video: Modern Puppet for the Jenkins Project
- A loose collection of notes from Puppet training
- 3 Elasticsearch nodes in 3 minutes
- Testing Puppet's custom facts with RSpec
- Video: Red, green, reprovision. Test Driving Operations
- Video: We'll Do It Live - Operations Anti-Patterns
- I'll be speaking at PuppetConf 2012
- Grok code with Puppet
- Introducing Blimpy, a cloud thing
- FOSDEM: Slides from my talk
- Puppet/XML: A Brand New Synergy
- Speaking Sunday at FOSDEM
- And now a word about the Jenkins DNS debacle
- Pulling Jenkins' strings with Puppet
- I will be speaking at FOSDEM